

Breast cancer screening is still going ahead in the UK. But because of COVID-19 there are delays. You might have to wait longer for your screening test or a follow-up appointment. There might also be changes to what happens at your appointment to keep you safe. This includes the staff following strict guidance on infection control to protect you and themselves. This means that you won’t be able to take someone with you to your appointment. Your results might be delayed, so ask at your appointment how long it might take and who to contact if you haven’t heard in that time. It’s important to remember that screening is for healthy people with no symptoms. If you notice any unusual changes to your body that don’t go away, talk to your doctor. In most cases it won’t be cancer, but it’s best to get it checked out.

For further information please click on the link Breast screening (mammogram) - NHS (



If you are between the ages of 60 to 74 you will have been sent a Bowel Cancer screening kit every two years, many people who took up the test are thankful, it saved their lives.  Shifa Surgery do not want to see any of our patients miss out on this life saving opportunity. If you have not taken advantage its not to late as we can arrange for a kit to be sent out. PLEASE CONTACT RECEPTION and we will arrange for the KIT to be sent out.

Please click on the link for further information Bowel cancer screening - NHS (




Shifa Surgery Ltd provide Cervical Screening in-house with a Female Clinician, alternatively, we can also book you an appointment at a different location on weekends.  Please get in touch to book an appointment or click on the Cervical screening - NHS ( for further information.


Prostate Screening

Our practice is currently offering a screening test for prostate cancer.

You are at higher risk of prostate cancer if you:

• are aged 50 or older

• have a close relative, for example brother or father,who has had prostate cancer

• are of Black ethnic origin (double the risk)


The prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test that can help diagnose prostate problems, including prostate cancer.


This screening blood test can be done at our surgery. If you would like to book in or receive more information, please contact the surgery.